College Student Orientation – Welcome Week Student Success Secrets – Success & Leadership Secrets



Create an unforgettable and successful college experience for new students during the week of greeting and orientation, speaking the language of students and starting with the strong.

Separate your college and university campus from the rest of the academic environment by establishing a relationship and a professional approach that attracts and deserves the respect of incoming students. Overcome the hierarchical thinking of the old school, which instantly repels and subjugates students.

Engage, bind and hold your students and engage them completely through early enrollment, developing academic and professional success. Celebrate, embrace, relax, and help your students discover greatness, succeed, and take leadership roles on your college campus to serve their community.

Engage your new students quickly during the introductory and welcoming week by speaking their language and starting with a message that will touch their hearts.

  1. Identity is destiny.

Who am I? What do I want to be? Why am I even studying?

  1. Identify the purpose of the students.

To start strong and not go astray, a successful student must have a clear vision of his future. If this is not entirely clear at first, it does not matter, since the vision is progressive and constantly carried out with enthusiasm and determination.

  1. How am I going to build my life beyond books and school activities?

Depending on the students’ passion and purpose, they may want to take up a variety of extracurricular activities. Greek life is a great way to make friends and join an organization set up on campus through which you can do charity work and make your voice heard. If you are interested in Greek life, appreciate the mission of every fraternity or women’s society.

Most campuses have many student associations and organizations, each with its own focus and purpose. Meet your women’s society, student self-government and leader of Greek life. As you get to know these different organizations and associations on campus, attend “Meet and Greet” events at the beginning of the year or, if possible, meet groups that are interested and relevant to your personal preferences.

Keep in mind that you don’t want to lose weight because of excessive engagement. So it makes sense to focus on your main goal of going to college, after which you can choose a free social or professional organization of a student group that you can join.

Do not forget to eat right, get enough sleep and exercise regularly. Many students forget this and later suffer because their immune system is depleted in winter. Think about the long term and get ready to go to extremes and finish college well.

  1. Proximity is the key to fulfilling your destiny.

If possible, sit ahead of the class to make sure you have learned all the basic information about the lesson and test materials. It’s also harder to get distracted when you’re ahead. Less discussion and trouble in front of the class. Respect teachers and be friends with them, even if you don’t always agree with them. At least respect their position, remember that they will judge you and hold the keys to academic success and, ultimately, to your future.

  1. Maintain a close relationship with your family.

If you can only stay in touch with your family by phone, make an effort and do so. Because your parents partially fund or help fund your education and expenses, the least you can do is come every two weeks periodically and update your academic progress and life.

Especially if you make a significant financial investment in someone’s future, you will want to see the same decency and courtesy.

So be grateful, polite, and respectful to your parents to make them more loved by you and create a supportive bond that in turn will serve you well throughout your life.

  1. Be active in continuing and starting your career while you are still in college.

Instead of sitting and just waiting for a resume (which usually ends with a stack of papers) to professionally achieve the desired results, take the initiative and do everything yourself. Visit your university’s career center and start looking at various internships in your field that will help you further your professional development. Even if these internships do not bring you money, the professional experience and knowledge you acquire are priceless.

If you are not getting an internship, consider starting your own business as an entrepreneur. Providing a product or service is important in the simplest possible form. How can you serve people with your time, talent and experience? Think about how you can serve the administration of your home college and campus.

If necessary, start serving people for free so that they can understand and discover your value. When you add value, you always become valuable immediately. Then, when you prove yourself, you will be able to set a price and agree to raise or start your own business.

  1. Be patient with yourself as you grow and develop your career.

Life and professional development cannot be carried out in the microwave. Give yourself time to develop and go through the process of discovery. After taking different courses, you will learn what you like and what you don’t like at university; what you have works and what doesn’t. Don’t try to remake or recreate yourself to fit into something you are not.

Be sincere and true to yourself. By doing so, you will show your uniqueness and difference. As you value and constantly develop inner genius, your own success and leadership abilities will develop and begin to shine.

Keep your child’s heart in your academic and professional life. Stay curious, carefree, cheerful, but at the same time be professional and polite.


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